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Swimming – Sport For Body And Soul

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Swimming is definitely one of the most beautiful and effective sports can be practiced during both the cool season, and in the hot days of summer, addressing all ages. From little kids who dabble besides parents, to the elderly which, although difficult to move, go to the pool to feed the portion of health, there is no person who is not welcome in the swimming world.

Swimming covers the basic needs of human beings in a good state to a full training of the person in terms of motor, cognitive, emotional, physical condition of the improvement drive the need for competition or recreational purpose only. But swimming is not just about these things, but tends to be a basic and special needs such as pregnant women needs, but also of patients with asthma, epilepsy or any physical or psychological dysfunction.

The biggest advantage of swimming is that muscles and joints are put in motion without having to bear any weight, thus reducing the tension that existed at their level, which determines a minimum risk in terms of damage or injuries. A clear example would be a person whose daily stress and weight, which contributes considerably to the force of gravity, have a major impact on joints, especially on those of the knees and hips. In water, however this will not apply, since the gravity is completely different.

All sports bring health benefits when practiced correctly. But swimming have undoubtedly some special benefits that other aerobic type exercises does not have. Here are some of them:

– Lead to an incredible cardio-pulmonary endurance;
– Stimulates blood circulation;
– Helps maintain a stable blood pressure;
– Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease;
– Develop the most muscle groups (more than two thirds of the entire muscle surface);
– Strengthens the joint ligaments, preventing possible damage;
– Improves body posture;
– Develop flexibility;
– Alleviate tensions;
– Generates good feelings, positive emotions;
– Helping to improve anxiety and relieve symptoms of depression;
– Relax the tone of excessive accumulated during the day;
– Stimulates growth and physical and mental development;
– Improves psychomotor development.


In recent years have seen an increasing number of medical specialists who recommended swimming for different therapies. These include:

– Asthma;
– Muscle and joint pain;
– Herniated disc;
– Stress;
– Stimulating growth;
– Controlled weakening;
– Physical and motor disabilities;
– Autism.

Exercising in water allows greater freedom of movement impossible “on land”. Water allow moves and positions that can not be done outside. And the exercises in the water have positive psychological effects, because the person is in a playful environment, and with the optimum temperature.

Regular practice of this sport makes the respiratory system to improve elasticity and mobility. As a result, the lungs are able to capture a large amount of air, which helps the body cells to benefit from a greater intake of oxygen. The lungs are elastic bodies, which depend for proper operation, the ability of muscle contraction and relaxation chest. These muscles are toned and worked more effectively when exercise is performed regularly.

But not only that. Water resistance cause the body to consume more energy to move, thereby shaping and molding it and successfully combating cellulite.

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