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Plants That Increase Fertility

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Plants to increase fertility

It is best that the natural treatment for increasing fertility to be recommended by a herbalist, especially for people suffering from diseases such as thyroid.

Herbal remedies are used as alternative therapy for hundreds of years to boost fertility, with good results. Natural therapies solve alone or in combination with other allopathic therapies (medical or surgical) most fertility problems.

During any natural treatment is first required to give up alcohol, tobacco, fast-food, and factors that can disrupt the reproductive capacity in both sexes.

Natural remedies regulates hormonal balance:

Herbal remedies are recommended especially in cases where infertility is caused by hormonal disorders. There are herbs that increase fertility by balancing the secretion of hormones like estrogen and progesterone necessary for conception. Thus, the fruit of chastity (Agnus castus) has a beneficial effect on the pituitary gland that produces sex hormones.

Herbs for fertility

This plant regulate menstrual cycles, but precautions in administration of this plant is necessary, if hormonal treatments are used. Agnus castus infusion is prepared from a tablespoon of dried herb in a cup of boiling water. Drink one cup a day for three months. Red clover is also recommended for improving fertility. Raspberry leaf tea or nettle tea are very useful, drink two cups a day for three months. Also, linseed oil can normalize estrogen-progesterone balance, important in reproduction.

Heracleum fertility plant

Another plant used successfully to stimulate fertility is Heracleum, which is administered as capsules (three per day) or tincture (one teaspoon diluted in 100 ml of water, take three to four times a day). Treatment with Heracleum takes three to six months.

Ginseng is good for men fertility:

Ginseng root fertility plant

Green oat extract and ginseng are some effective natural remedies to increase male fertility. Also, Geranium robertianum is another plant with proven effect in increasing fertility in both sexes. The tea is prepared from a spoon of plant added to 250 ml of boiling water, leaving it to infuse for 10 minutes. Drink three cups of tea a day after meals, for three months.

Vegetable juice, beneficial for fertility:

Diets of those who have fertility problems should include vegetable juices (carrot, celery, beetroot) and fruits (apples, oranges), made in house. Also, diet of those who want to become parents should not miss selenium-rich foods (whole grains, mushrooms, red meat), vitamin C (citrus fruits), vitamin E (nuts, hazelnuts, almonds) and zinc (milk, eggs), nutrients needed for healthy reproductive organs.