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Natural Remedies Against Menstrual Pain

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Every month you’re wondering what you could do to diminish menstrual pain. Why I say diminish and not escape them? Because, in fact, menstrual pain is the normal reaction of the body, which, when growing in intensity, it needs to be somewhat diminished, but can’t be escaped.

Cramps, bloating, abdominal pain, mood swings – can be alienated with natural remedies. Remedies are mostly herbal preparations or dietary supplements that will bring the much-needed relaxation.

Yarrow tea

It seems that the most effective herb in relieving menstrual pain is yarrow, which is also used in treating all diseases that are related to the pelvic area. It has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties.

Menstrual pain remedies

In the case of menstruation, yarrow tea reduces cramps, relieves pain and regulate the flow, the frequency and duration of menstruation. Yarrow tea also comes in helpful for treating ovarian and vaginal infections by local douche.

Basi or thyme tea

Like cinnamon, you should not consider the basil or thyme simple spices, but also a great help against menstrual pain. Basil and thyme contain caffeic acid with effect of relieving pain and cramps.

Prepare your basil or thyme tea with 2 tablespoons of herb and 300ml of water. Drink half a cup of tea every 2-3 hours to get rid of pain.

Cinnamon tea

The lovely and aromatic cinnamon can be more than just a spice! It has anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties, so you can diminish pain and cramps if you prepare cinnamon tea a day before menstruation, and in the early days. In addition, cinnamon tea brings a good and relaxing sleep.

If you like cinnamon, you can sprinkle on toast or cakes, but avoid red wine infused with cinnamon, red wine intensify the abundant flow of menstruation.

Primrose oil

Primrose and black currant oil is a natural source of fatty acid called gamma linolenic acid. Experts have determined that gamma linoleic acid, combined with a dietary supplement, efficiently fight against menstrual pain. Why? Because gamma linoleic acid is a natural anti-inflammatory.

How should I use essential oils to relieve pain? Mix 10 drops of essential oil (primrose, sage, marjoram and melissa) with double the amount of olive oil for highly concentrated oils to not irritate the skin, then rub this mixture over the sacral and pelvic area.

Hot poultices

Menstrual pain

A sore remedy that works for decades: hot poultices. Hot poultices consist in the application of heat associated with other herbs and medicinal oils: oregano oil, sage oil, melissa oil or cabbage leaves.

Soak compresses in warm water: heat a few drops of essential oil mixed with olive oil or some cabbage, then put them on the lower abdomen. You will soon feel like the pain is less and less intense. You can also use quick cure bottles filled with hot water.


Magnesium supplements seem to improve symptoms of PMS (premenstrual syndrome) and pain during menstruation. Also, Magnesium improves mood and reduces the abundant flow of menstruation. Most women who suffer from PMS discovers, after the blood analysis, that have little magnesium in the body. Doctors recommend taking a magnesium supplement pill 3 times a day. Soon you will notice that menstrual pain decrease.

Natural sources of magnesium are whole grains, nuts, peanuts, almonds, figs, apples, milk, eggs, chocolate, etc..

Vitamin D

A recent study by American specialists in internal medicine has found that the risk of suffering from PMS is 50% less if you take a supplement with vitamin D and calcium. Thus, you will not only save yourself some pain that effectively blocking you, but will prevent bone cancer and osteoporosis. Natural sources of vitamin D are dairy products, egg yolks, tuna, sardines, salmon, etc..

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 and dietary supplements that contain higher amount of this vitamin are highly beneficial. The main reason is that the body needs vitamin B6 to convert tryptophan into serotonin. Serotonin is the hormone of happiness.

Doctors believe that at least one tablet per day of vitamin B6 can help relieve depression PMS and menstrual symptoms. Natural source of tryptophan – an amino acid that the body is prepared serotonin from – is broccoli. Natural sources of vitamin B6 are wheat bran, soybeans, cabbage, eggs, peanuts, walnuts, parsley, yogurt, tuna, etc..


No menstrual pain

1 gram of calcium daily will help you feel stronger, will reduce menstrual pain and, in addition, it prevent osteoporosis. If you want to increase the dose of calcium, consume milk-based products. You can also get calcium from other natural sources at hand: fresh green vegetables, sardines, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds. You can try supplements, but only those that has calcium – magnesium – zinc combination.


Taurine is primarily an amino acid and natural diuretic that reduces bloating. When you are bloated, when you need more power or good mood, look for taurine supplements, in combination with vitamin B6.

Avoiding unhealthy foods

Experts have concluded that the symptoms of menstruation are directly influenced by diet.

What foods intensify menstrual pain? First, coffee and alcohol, and sugar is almost as guilty for worsening pain. The blame for menstrual pain can also be dairy products (consumed in excess) or salt.

What food relieves menstrual pain? Fruits and vegetables, especially lettuce, parsley and dill. Grains, nuts, seeds and fish meat can also help.

Avoid fatigue, congestion, standing up for too long and walking on high heels.