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Exercise! It Is Vital For Your Health

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Practicing a sport means consumption of calories and is therefore a way of keeping your body fit. Burning small excesses and avoiding storing them will develop your muscles, which even at rest consumes more energy than fat mass.

Intact muscle

Throughout life, muscle mass diminishes by about one third, from 65 and even earlier, if not maintained. The practice of sport allows slow this “melting” of the muscles, but their recovery at any age. Six months is enough!

More supple joints

In everyday life, we use only about 20% of our joint capacity and – as a result – they end up “rust.”  Sport makes them more mobile, helping us to execute movements with ease. In addition, strengthens cartilage, providing joint surfaces slide over one another.

A stronger heart

Trained with the help of regular exercise, even with average intensity (not to like champions), our heart becomes stronger, stronger, better and more oxygen efficient. At each beat it pushes into organs a greater amount of blood. Another benefit is for the entire cardiovascular system. Thus, preventing hypertension.

Iron Bones

At 50 years, 15% of women suffer from osteoporosis, and at 65 years, 40% of women. Sport is an effective mean of preventing this disease. The best disciplines that stimulate muscles and stretching tendons (stretching, swimming, gymnastics). Do activities in which body weight is transmitted through the skeleton that must fight against weight (eg. Dancing). They allow the stimulation of osteoblasts (bone forming cells) and braking osteoclasts, which destroy him.


A stronger back

If we have a back pain (about 7 out of 10 people complain of such pain) is often to blame the lack of dorsal and abdominal muscles. Regular exercise and constant activity helps build a sort of “natural corset” which will make our back stronger. In addition, physical activity reduces the relaxation caused by muscle strains that produce pain.

An excellent transit

Movement develop our the abdominal muscles, also causing a “massage” for the internal tube, which accelerates intestinal transit. So it is recommended for all those who suffer from constipation. A regularly performed endurance sport (such as walking and even Yoga) can be of great help for women suffering from various functional disorders.

A better armed body

Reducing cholesterol transformation “bad” cholesterol (LDL) in the “good” (HDL) can be done by lowering blood sugar because of muscles and the energy they need to extract the sugars. Sport increases insulin sensitivity and decreased risk of diabetes type 2. Make exercises, so the blood keep running constant and this is important to keep you in shape.

We feel better after exercise

During exercise and after exercise, there is an increase in the secretion of certain brain neurotransmitters (chemicals that transmit information to ensure the proper function of the nervous system). Especially of endorphins, which produce a feeling of well physically and mentally, even euphoria, but also of dopamine or adrenaline. As these substances are involved in regulating our mood, the risk of depression is lower. Studies have even shown a positive effect on depressed people if they walk regularly.