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Celery Leaves and Health – Herbal Remedies With Celery

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In Chinese medicine, it is said that there is no better food for body and mind rejuvenation than celery leaves. They give alertness, calms the “inner fire” that consumes vital resources, give force for the body, and last but not least, reawakening virility and eroticism. It is known that Greeks and Romans, who put fresh celery leaves in wine, increased physical strength and ability of procreation.

Folk healers used it as a small celery panacea, good for children (to make them grow faster and protect them from disease), adults (against diseases of kidneys and fatigue), elderly (against rheumatism, senility and other shortcomings). For both food and medicine, celery leaves have a series of remarkable therapeutic properties, like we shall find below:

Celery and skin diseases:

Celery leaves are an excellent diuretic and purification, and a finely tuned hormonal treatment that met many of the qualities required of skin diseases with complex causes, such as psoriasis, scleroderma, vitiligo, certain forms of acne and allergic dermatoses. Celery cures are held for 2-3 weeks, during which, when eating salads at every meal liberally season it with celery.

Celery and diseases caused by poisoning:

Ten to fifteen tablespoons of celery juice will be consumed daily in the course of two weeks, is an excellent spring depurative, which strongly accelerates the elimination of toxic substances in the body. This treatment is especially indicated for people who work in a polluted environment, those who consumed too much meat or drinks, food additives, tobacco or drugs with powerful side effects.

Celery Leaves

Celery and hormonal balance in women:

Studies made in China, Japan and Russia have revealed that a diet in which is consumed more fresh vegetables, especially celery in large quantities, extended biological female youth and was very effective to combat dysmenorrhea and infertility. Celery juice is a powerful cure for premature menopause, and disorders that occur against the onset of climax.

Celery and potency:

There is a sexually remedy in folk medicine made with fresh celery juice. Few know that the most effective is the juice obtained from the root, and not from the leaves. It can be consumed half a drink per day in the course of 3-4 weeks, and will greatly increase virility.

Celery & Rheumatism:

Salads with plenty of chopped celery leaves is an excellent adjunct in the prevention and treatment of rheumatism and gout. They have anti-inflammatory effects and even slightly depurative soothing pain. Externally, you can use the next treatment for rheumatism: a few celery leaves brewed in boiling water, let it cool a bit and put on painful joints wrapped with cellophane and topped with a wool fabric. This poultice is held for two hours. Also, this is a valid treatment for vitiligo and skin cancer.