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Acacia Flowers Health Benefits

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Acacia flowers health benefits

Acacia flowers are used in traditional and natural medicine to treat herpes, gastritis and to restore appetite. Acacia flowers have an unmistakable aroma, which is said to have slightly sedative effect on the nervous system, reducing anxiety. To take advantage of this beautiful plant, we can use aromatherapy with acacia flowers, placed in rooms where we sleep, this way we can restore peace and calm.

Aromatherapy with acacia flowers:

It is good that acacia flowers to be placed in a corner of the bedroom, and after flowers are dried, put them into a canvas bag and place it under the pillow, this will give a pleasant fragrance during sleep.

Natural recipes with acacia flowers:

Acacia flowers health benefits

Cold maceration is made from two teaspoons of plant placed in a glass (200 ml) with spring water – left to soak over night, then filter. It has calming effects on the nervous system.

For the same purpose, you can use fresh flowers mixed with honey – a spoon of acacia flowers (finely chopped) to three tablespoons of honey. The flowers are put into a jar with a lid, the mixture will stay for about three weeks. After this period, you will get a kind of sweet, perfumed air fresheners, with bioenergetic properties that preserve the plant. This mixture is taken one to two teaspoons three to four times daily for three weeks.

Infusion of acacia flowers is obtained from one or two teaspoons of dried flowers in 250 ml of boiling water. It is recommended for hyperacid gastritis, dyspepsia, hiatus hernia, gastric and duodenal ulcer, intestinal colic.