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Quinces – Therapeutic Values and Natural Remedies

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The first testimony about growing these yellow fruits, with an unusual taste, sweet, sour, with bitter and unmistakable perfume, is dating from 4,000 years back. Where have grown for the first time in the sunny islands of the Greek archipelago. Quinces are dating from ancient Greece and then begun to spread throughout Europe and Asia. The Romans called them “apple of gold” and used them to protect from evil and charms. Lovers made erotic rituals celebrated by eating a quince fruit, in order to remain faithful forever.

Weak or sickly children were bathed in a decoction of quince to become strong and invulnerable to diseases. The Greeks believed that quinces are the fruits of love and happiness and brought them as offerings to Aphrodite, goddess of beauty and love. In our time, research has revealed properties, if not magical, at least extraordinary of these fruits in another field: that of medicine. Quinces contain substances that stimulate the liver and pancreas, slows the aging process and is incredibly effective in fighting the terrible cancer. Here is a little guide for the use of this fruit, still very little known but appreciated for its therapeutic values:

– Pancreatic insufficiency, pancreatitis. Fresh quince juice makes wonders in curing these diseases, although very difficult to treat by conventional methods. Drink three times a day, a cup of quince juice diluted with half glass of apple juice, in the course of at least three weeks. Quince juice effects of stimulants and anti-inflammatory activity of the pancreas, is an excellent adjunct to conventional medication in these diseases.

– Hepatitis, liver failure – is a cure of a month and a half of fresh quince nectar, a half liter to drink per day. Substances contained in these fruits stimulates the liver, gradually increase your appetite and has imuno-stimulant effects. Recent research conducted in Japan have revealed the existence of antiviral substances in the peel quinces, which seems to inhibit the growth of microorganisms that trigger hepatitis A, B and C.


– Cancerous disease – consume quinces such as, and the nectar (which must include the skin of the fruit) obtained from the fruit has excellent effects in treating this terrible disease. In 2004, a Japanese research demonstrated that certain substances contained in quince (especially vitamin B17) helps destroy malignant cells without affecting the normal ones.

– Enteritis, enterocolitis. One liter and a half of quince decoction in daily drinking eliminate or greatly improve these conditions. Quinces with honey and mixed breeds, one liter per day, is highly effective in combating colitis. In England, quince decoction is used even for intestinal bleeding.

– Colon irritable bowel ptozarea. Quince juice, consume half a liter per day (possibly in combination with apple juice), has remarkable tonic to the intestines. Also, quinces eaten with honey has anti-inflammatory effects and is a surprisingly effective remedy for people who have irritable bowel.

– Nausea and stomach weight in the morning. Drink in the morning on an empty stomach, a quarter or half of quince juice, unsweetened. It tastes pretty bad, but it is unsurpassed as a remedy and as an incentive anti-vomiting of digestion.

– Hemorrhoids. Drink every morning and evening quince juice, along with their skins, mixed with honey. Is lightly laxative, astringent (stops bleeding) and anti-inflammatory. Externally, we use a solution obtained from the seeds of the fruit: the two quince pits are crushed and put to soak in a glass of water, from evening to morning, then the solution is filtered. Place the solution on compresses and place them on the affected area.