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Parsley – A Herbal Remedy, Therapeutic Indications

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– Alcoholism. In a liter of water is put four roots of parsley, lemon and grapefruit peel. Boil this mixture until all drops in half, remove from heat and add two tablespoons of parsley seeds. Allow to cool and then filter. Keep in the refrigerator and take four times a day, a spoon of this preparation, until the entire amount is exhausted. This remedy reduces the need for alcohol, removes some liver and nervous sequelae of alcoholism, even giving an intolerance to the drug. As a palliative against acute alcohol intoxication (drunkenness) and its sequel, can be consumed large amounts of parsley leaves, chew thoroughly before swallowing.

– Cellulite, water accumulation in tissues. The cure consists of parsley root juice, for at least three weeks, during which this time must be taken a glass daily. Additionally, can be made a strong massage to the affected areas with fresh parsley juice.

– Kidney stones and gall. Drink three times daily with 1-2 hours before meals, one quarter cup of parsley juice (from root and leaves), diluted with three quarters of a cup of carrot juice.

– Anorexia. Some leaves of parsley chewed before meals awaken the appetite and activates digestion and is an excellent cure for anorexia. Also, this vegetable combat nausea, being helpful to those with serious illnesses who can not eat because of persistent nausea.


– Halen. Chewing parsley gives a fragrant long breath, acts as an excellent disinfectant on average and upper airways. It is recommended that those who suffer from halitosis, and those with chronic respiratory diseases.

– Recurrent infections, weakened immunity. In Arabic medicine, finely chopped parsley mixed with lemon juice, olive oil and a little garlic (maybe a few slices of tomato) is used as a salad that is given to those who have recurrent infectious diseases. Recent studies from Turkey emphasized that this remedy made from parsley strongly activates the immune system and, moreover, directly address many species of bacteria and fungus.

– Cancerous disease. Salads with more parsley and the juice of parsley leaves and roots are an excellent adjunct in the treatment of cancer. This vegetable keeps a fresh appetite, immune system, supporting the body fight disease, help restore hormonal balance. In addition, parsley combat many of the side effects of radiotherapy and cytostatics.

– Male sterility, impotence. It is a treatment for 40 days, is administered four times a day, half a teaspoon of powdered parsley seed, before meals. For rapid effect, take a single dose of the following prepared: two teaspoons of powder parsley and a pinch of black pepper mix well until smooth. The remedy is taken on an empty stomach.

External treatment with parsley:

– Hernia. One hundred grams of parsley root is boiled for 15 minutes in a pint of soup. Then the removed roots are crushed, put in a gauze and apply as a poultice on the affected area. The resulting from boiling can be taken as is throughout the day, or used for a soup.

– Inflammation of the eyelids and eye. Apply a compress of parsley juice, held for 20 minutes long. Parsley leaves have anti-infective, inflammatory and regenerative effects.

– Against breast inflammation (in lactating women). Place a poultice of leaves and roots of parsley (boiled in water) on the affected area. The application takes 30 minutes and can be repeated daily. Poultice of fresh parsley leaves, uncooked, help to stop lactation.

Precautions of use:

– Juice of parsley (root and leaf) has a therapeutic action so intense, that must not be used undiluted, but mixed with carrot juice, which combines very well.

– In doses greater than 200 ml in adults and 60 ml in children, parsley juice can give side effects such as nerve hyperexcitability, and certain digestive disorders.

– A higher dose of 8 grams of seeds can produces vertigo, twitching and powerful digestive disorders.


Parsley should not be used for therapeutic purposes by pregnant women, because may cause abortion.

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