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Apple Cider Vinegar – Health Remedies

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Apple vinegar is one of the oldest drugs known to humanity, first mentioned in Egyptian medical treatments, written after more than three millennia. Ancient Greek doctors used it extensively, Hippocrates himself putting it prominently in his writings. Virtually, people from all known areas use this folk remedy. The sour and slightly cloudy liquor resulting from the fermentation of apple cider cure not less than… one hundred of the most diverse conditions, from the common headache to severe metabolic diseases.

Composition of apple cider vinegar:

Basically, this liquid is composed of water and organic acids, among which predominate acetic acid plus propionic acid, lactic acid, pectin, enzymes and trace amounts of amino acids. This cocktail of enzymes and organic acids is a powerful stimulant of digestion and metabolism, with exceptional effects on body detoxification. But apple cider vinegar also has other qualities, because the fruit from which it is obtained contain some natural substances extremely useful for the body, of which we shall mention a few:

– Potassium – a essential mineral for maintaining the cardiovascular health. It regulates the heart and normalizes blood pressure.

– Vitamin C – helps the body when it needs iron assimilation, has a preventive effect on infectious diseases.

– Vitamins B1, B2 and B6 – rejuvenating effect and delay the onset of the signs of aging. Have a positive effect on the central nervous system tone.

– Izoflavonoids – are a class of organic substances contained in vinegar, which have a potent antioxidant. They favor the normalization of the menstrual cycle in women and renewal of erythrocyte (red blood cells).

– Magnesium and phosphorus – two minerals found in vinegar, with a very important role in maintaining health and balance of the nervous system. Have also beneficial effects on the immune system and promotes bone building.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Diseases to be treated internally with apple vinegar:

In the following list I will not enumerate all the diseases that can be treated with apple vinegar, simply because the list is too long to be fully covered. I will detail only the main categories of diseases that respond positively to the administration of apple vinegar:

Rheumatism, degenerative rheumatism – take three times a day, a tablespoon of apple vinegar mixed with one teaspoon of honey. The cure last at least three months and has very strong effects on body detoxification. In addition, certain substances contained in apple cider vinegar has anti-inflammatory effects and prevents articular processes of aging and degeneration of cartilage and epithelium.

Lithiasis (kidney stones) – prevention and control – should be drunk three times a day, a glass of plain water (low in mineral content) dissolved in 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. This cure is taken for a month.

Obesity, weight gain – with apple vinegar can be made the simplest and most effective treatments for weight control. Here is one of them: drink every morning upon awakening on an empty stomach, a glass of spring water, which was dissolved in two teaspoons of apple vinegar. Then, during the day, after every meal, drink a cup of water in which you added a teaspoon of apple vinegar and two teaspoons of honey. Apple vinegar stimulates the body processes of elimination (particularly bowel) and activates certain metabolic chains that promote weight loss.

If you want a strong diet, use the following cure: Before each meal, no matter how wealthy or poor, are swallowed two cloves of garlic with a large spoon of apple vinegar and a little water. It is an exquisite in flavor and maybe with a hard taste, but the effect is worth the effort. We should also remember that the cure for digestive tract is pretty tough, there is more than seven days in a row, followed by seven day break.

Cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia, biliary lithiasis – most people who have problems with the ball could be more trouble-free by taking 1-2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar 10 minutes before each meal (20-25 minutes for those with an very strong appetite for food).

Frequent indigestion, hypoacid – Drink a quarter glass of water which was diluted in a teaspoon of vinegar 5-10 minutes before meals and immediately after eating. Vinegar stimulates salivation, secretion of gastric juices and increases peristalsis of the digestive tract.


Loss of appetite, anemia, weakness injury in children – folk medicine, in all cases, recommends taking a teaspoon of vinegar mixed with one teaspoon of honey before each meal (dose should be reduced by half for children under five years). Apple cider vinegar, besides that it stimulates appetite and digestion, helps absorption of iron and other essential minerals from food, favors the production of erythrocytes (red blood cells), very gently stimulates the central nervous system, inducing a state of liveliness and tone. In addition to internal use, are recommended weekly massages on all over the body with apple vinegar, especially for weak children who get sick easily.

Migraines – particularly those that occur as a consequence of hepato-biliary problems or constipation, can be treated internally with apple vinegar, 2 teaspoons diluted in water. External massage of the temples and base of skull (above the neck) with apple vinegar. A popular method with fast results: for five minutes inhaling fumes of vinegar over a bowl filled with liquid.

External applications with apple vinegar:

Neck pain – frequent massages with a concentrated solution of vinegar: 4 tablespoons of vinegar to one cup (250 ml) of water. It is a highly effective treatment in early stages of colds. This procedure is very good if you have the sensation of dry throat.

Chronic fatigue, exhaustion – make a full-body massage with apple vinegar, or better, apple vinegar flavored with lavender. Take apple vinegar in your palm and spread onto the skin with gentle and vigorous movements (always made upwards) insisting on the shoulders, neck, chest and forehead. This treatment lasts 30 minutes and will be followed by a mandatory shower, then you will feel fresh and fit. The same treatment is recommended for intellectual burnout, and foot and muscle pain.

Against premature aging of tissues, including skin, are made full-body massages, twice a month, with apple vinegar. This natural product favors regain suppleness and tone skin, refreshes, cleanses the skin, prevents infections and dermatoses.

Nail mycosis – is a long-term treatment, but with exceptional efficiency, verified in practice: three times a day, morning, noon and evening, keep your affected fingers in apple cider vinegar for half an hour. Overnight, your fingers should be wrapped in cotton wool soaked with apple vinegar and wrapped in plastic (cut from surgical gloves thimbles). From time to time, put propolis tincture or poplar buds, which have very strong anti-infective effects and works very well after previously vinegar soaked tissue. After 2-3 months, mycosis will disappear.

Cold, adjuvant in severe pneumonia and influenza infections – massage the entire body with apple vinegar, but especially the thorax. After treatment, the patient should be wrapped well and leave to sweat for at least 10 minutes. A highly efficient remedy, if these diseases are accompanied by fever or muscle pain, is a massage with mint vinegar, which is another great therapeutic remedy.